Friday, October 14, 2011

Will Smith Ever Concede?

I just read the following press release on the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians facebook page - 
"The Carter Center observed the ballots being cast and counted, and saw that the election commission did a good job following the ever-changing election rules.? But the acting chief, on his own, changed the election rules both before and after election day in violation of tribal law and allowed a group of non-citizens vote.? The Carter Center ignored the elephant in the room - an election held in violation of aSupreme Court decision.? And that's what concerns the Cherokee people."---Chief Chad Smith
Will Chad Smith ever accept he lost the election and concede to Bill John Baker? Will he ever stop signing things as "Chief"? Will the Cherokee people ever be able to move beyond this election? Who knows. But if Chad Smith cared about the Cherokee people, he would concede and let the nation heal. The people are mentally exhausted from all this. 

Please, Chad Smith, if you really care about us, accept defeat, congratulate your opponent and bow out gracefully. The Cherokee people deserve that.

Those are my thoughts for today. 
Thanks for reading. 

The Granddaughter
copyright 2011, Polly's Granddaughter - TCB

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