Sunday, August 15, 2010

Marry A White - Newspaper Article from 1881

The Indian girl who becomes educated seldom marries an Indian. She prefers a white man. If she marries an Indian she will become a common squaw and his servant. The half-breeds in the Nation are looked up to. They control the other Indians, as the mulatto controls the full black.

So the educated Indian girl (and there are hundreds of college graduates in the Nation) marries a white that her children may be half-breeds. It is really unpopular to be a full-blooded Indian, and the popularity of the pure Indian is gradually fading out of the race. You would be astonished to see how white the Creeks and the Cherokees are getting through miscegenation. Real full-bloods are hard to find among the Cherokees.

The question was put by a teacher to a class of young Indian girls about to graduate from a Cherokee seminary :

"Whom would you prefer to marry ? "

"We prefer to marry a white man," they all answered. They said this because they knew Indian husbands would drag them back to semi-barbarianism again.

Source - Atlantic Daily Telegraph; Atlantic, Iowa; July 29, 1881; p. 2.

Transcription by Polly's Granddaughter
copyright 2010, Polly's Granddaughter - TCB

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